Tammy Gordon

Strategic Communications // Crisis Communications // Digital & Social Strategy // Executive Thought Leadership

Tammy Gordon - social media strategist, consultant and speaker

Where to Eat in Nashville: Husk, Arnold's and Rolf & Daughters

I'm just wrapping up the Digiday Brand Summit in Nashville and about to hop a flight to New York. I know this is only my second visit to this town, but there's so much great food and drink, I had to start making a map to share it with my friends.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter what I'm missing.
The Manhattan at Husk
 My favorites this time around included the fried chicken and chocolate chili pie at Arnold's Meat & 3, the spaghetti with ramp something something then topped with an egg yolk at Rolf & Daughters and Willie Nelson portrait in the kitchen at Husk (ok, the food was pretty dynamic there too.)
Carolina Rice on the Vegetable Plate at Husk

Meat + 3 and Pie at Arnold's

The Chocolate Chili Pie at Arnold's

Love me some Willie Nelson

Pasta topped with Egg at Rolf & Daughters

My local food guide/friend (get to know Jim Reams) says we have time for BBQ on the way to the airport. This is why we're friends.

PS. I'm also an unabashed country music fan. And, while I realize there are all kinds of amazing music joints in Nashville, I do find the honky tonk action to be hilariously fun. Last trip, I did Tootsie's... this time, I discovered Robert's Western World. Next time, I promise to venture beyond the Broadway tourist traps... Maybe.
Honky Tonk at Robert's Western World

Follow Tammy Gordon on Twitter at @tammy or email her at tammymgordon@gmail.com to request a consultation.