Tammy Gordon

Strategic Communications // Crisis Communications // Digital & Social Strategy // Executive Thought Leadership

Tammy Gordon - social media strategist, consultant and speaker

Must See TEDTalks: Frank Warren of PostSecret

While I was at TEDActive, I promised myself that I would share the best talks with you all. I mean, TED events are pricey and not everyone can go (even though I'm convinced we'd have a better world if they were required viewing.) Well, I slacked. But, Steph Kent's been live tweeting from TEDxSummit in the desert and inspiring me to get back on the TED train.

Being a DC gal, I'd heard of PostSecret. I'd read the blog, been to the exhibit in Georgetown and heard the story. Frank Warren's TEDTalk still moved me to tears. Take a look:

Follow Tammy Gordon on Twitter at @tammy or email her at tammymgordon@gmail.com to request a consultation.