Tammy Gordon

Strategic Communications // Crisis Communications // Digital & Social Strategy // Executive Thought Leadership

Tammy Gordon - social media strategist, consultant and speaker

Must See TEDTalks: Brene Brown on Feeling Shame, Vulnerability, Guilt

This talk by Brene Brown had everyone at TED thinking. When you're at an event filled with amazingly brilliant overachievers, it's easy to think you're not good enough or smart enough to be there. One thing I learned after spending the week in the "TED bubble" was that everyone there felt like that.

So, when Brene said, "Vulnerabilty is not weakness." I think everyone listened in a bit closer. After all, everyone who stands up there on that stage is vulnerable - are they going to blow people's minds? Be amusing? Be the one that everyone talks about?

And everyone in the audience is vulnerable. We all are. Take a listen:


I loved this quote from her bio: "Lean into discomfort. When we numb the dark, we numb the light." I left TED feeling ready to take new risks, try new things, lead even when haters hate... some of that has worn off, but watching this again reminds me to #KITFU.

If you loved that, check out Brene's previous talk at TEDxHouston on the power of vulnerability.

Follow Tammy Gordon on Twitter at @tammy or email her at tammymgordon@gmail.com to request a consultation.