Learning How to Decorate Christmas Cookies from Gail Dosik
Way before I was thinking about Christmas, Cathy (aka Mrs. Wheelbarrow) emailed me and told me Gail was coming to town to teach a cookie decorating class. I'll admit, I signed up to just to meet Gail. You see, Gail and I are those nerdy Twitter pals who've talked for gosh, years? but never met. We talk food, Ike, Morning Joe. She's my kinda gal... and she also happens to be one of the most talented bakers in New York City and the owner of One Tough Cookie.
Then I found out who else was coming... cookbook authors, food editors, food writers... all cool chicks that I admire. Talk about intimidating. You see, even though I fancy myself an artist and novice cook, my cookie decorating was always plain sloppy. Luckily, once I settled in, I realized everyone was thinking the same thing.
Gail gave us the basic tools - pastry bags, tips, flat pastry spatula and the game changer, rolling pin bands. She also gave us her stiff and flood icing recipes which I won't reveal here (take her class though, and you'll be gifted!), but suffice to say, these results can not be attained with store bought icing. Despite begging, Gail's cookie recipe remains a trade secret... and who can blame her. They are the perfect balance - not cloyingly sweet, firm enough to decorate, but not hard.
She gave great tips and step-by-step directions (we practiced a lot first on parchment paper with designs to trace underneath). What do you think of the results? Obviously, I'm only showing you my favorites - I ate the ugliest ones to hide the evidence!
Thanks for a great day girls... L to R @THEtoughcookie, @frijolita, @MrsWheelbarrow, @winnieabramson, @PatriciaJinich, @domenicacooks, @jestei, @floridagirlindc, @bonniebenwick @food52news
Stay up to date on Mrs. Wheelbarrow's cooking classes on her website, MrsWheelbarrow.com.
Then I found out who else was coming... cookbook authors, food editors, food writers... all cool chicks that I admire. Talk about intimidating. You see, even though I fancy myself an artist and novice cook, my cookie decorating was always plain sloppy. Luckily, once I settled in, I realized everyone was thinking the same thing.
Gail gave us the basic tools - pastry bags, tips, flat pastry spatula and the game changer, rolling pin bands. She also gave us her stiff and flood icing recipes which I won't reveal here (take her class though, and you'll be gifted!), but suffice to say, these results can not be attained with store bought icing. Despite begging, Gail's cookie recipe remains a trade secret... and who can blame her. They are the perfect balance - not cloyingly sweet, firm enough to decorate, but not hard.
She gave great tips and step-by-step directions (we practiced a lot first on parchment paper with designs to trace underneath). What do you think of the results? Obviously, I'm only showing you my favorites - I ate the ugliest ones to hide the evidence!
The class photo and info on other classes after the jump...
Thanks for a great day girls... L to R @THEtoughcookie, @frijolita, @MrsWheelbarrow, @winnieabramson, @PatriciaJinich, @domenicacooks, @jestei, @floridagirlindc, @bonniebenwick @food52news
Stay up to date on Mrs. Wheelbarrow's cooking classes on her website, MrsWheelbarrow.com.