TO DO: National Archives Food Fright
All of this food blogging has made me more aware of the madness of food policy in this country. One of my favorite chefs and the one guy (so far) who can get me passionate about farm subsidies (the accent helps), Chef Jose Andres is presenting this evening at the National Archives on "Food Frights: Food Safety Now and Then."
This is part of the America Eats: "What's Cooking Uncle Sam?" series he created in conjunction with the Archives. In addition to exhibits and lectures, Andres also converted his Cafe Atlantico restaurant into a pop-up concept called America Eats Tavern, featuring his take on historic American foods. His restaurants are always an experience, but I love the stories on the menu almost as much as the food at this one.
Tonight's panel, moderated by Meet The Press' David Gregory, will explore the history of food safety - how and why did the government get involved? Where are we headed? Fellow panelists will be Philip Derfler of the US Department of Agriculture, Suzanne Junod, FDA Historian and Caroline Smith DeWaal of Center for Public Interest.
Admission is free and first come, first serve. Doors open at 6:30pm and the talk begins at 7:00pm. Use the special events entrance at Constitution Avenue and 7th Streets.
This is part of the America Eats: "What's Cooking Uncle Sam?" series he created in conjunction with the Archives. In addition to exhibits and lectures, Andres also converted his Cafe Atlantico restaurant into a pop-up concept called America Eats Tavern, featuring his take on historic American foods. His restaurants are always an experience, but I love the stories on the menu almost as much as the food at this one.
Chef Jose Andres (photo credit: Jason Varney) |
Admission is free and first come, first serve. Doors open at 6:30pm and the talk begins at 7:00pm. Use the special events entrance at Constitution Avenue and 7th Streets.