Tammy Gordon

Strategic Communications // Crisis Communications // Digital & Social Strategy // Executive Thought Leadership

Tammy Gordon - social media strategist, consultant and speaker

The Best Spaghetti Squash Recipes on the Web

The 14th & U Farmers Market was open and despite the cold, rainy (snow threatening) weather, I figured if they can get up and truck their wares into the city, the least I could do was roll out of bed and see what they had. Also, I was out of coffee creamer, so ya know, I needed coffee too.

I came out of it with a pumpkin, a Whisked! sweet potato pie, and this cute spaghetti squash... now, what should I make with it? A round up of spaghetti squash recipes from around the blogs below. Or post links to your favorite in the comments.

PS. Tips for first time spaghetti squash roasters are available on Arugula Files.

UPDATED 1/5/2013: I'm doing a 30 day paleo challenge so spaghetti squash is perfect. Here are a few more ideas from my pals on Twitter:

Follow Tammy Gordon on Twitter at @tammy or email her at tammymgordon@gmail.com to request a consultation.