Tammy Gordon

Strategic Communications // Crisis Communications // Digital & Social Strategy // Executive Thought Leadership

Tammy Gordon - social media strategist, consultant and speaker

Cocktail Hour: Southern Culture on the Skids

I'm not a cocktail blogger. If you want an expert on that, read Urban Bohemian or Scofflaw's Den.

But when I tweeted about my farmers market peaches, Jeff Donald issued a challenge that I couldn't resist... an improvised bourbon-peach mojito that he dothed "Southern Culture on the Skids." It turned out to be a light, refreshing summer cocktail... perfect for BBQs, patio parties, or you know, a Thursday night at home experimenting with Google+ HangingOut with JC...

Southern Culture on the Skids
Serves 1 
Southern Culture on the Skids (photo: Tammy Gordon)
1 overripe peach (you want a soft one, but not rotten), peeled and diced
6 oz club soda
1 shot of bourbon (or more, depending on how bad your day was)
2 Tablespoons of sugar
2 sprigs of mint (one for the leaves - chiffonade them- and one for garnish)
Crushed ice

1. Muddle the peach, sugar and chiffonaded mint leaves. [TIP: If you don't have a muddler, and I don't... improvise. I heard that the handle of an ice cream scoop works, but the thing that worked best for me was my pastry cutter... really mashed it up!]
2. Add crushed ice. [NOTE: I used crushed ice from my refrigerator which was fine, but the more crushed the better. Like, Chick-fil-A crushed.]
3. Pour in your bourbon.
4. Top with club soda to taste and a sprig of mint. Enjoy!

PS.  Huge hat tip to Andrew Shapiro of Dino restaurant in Cleveland Park who hooked me up with some pineapple mint from their bar when both neighborhood grocery stores were out. Xo!

Follow Tammy Gordon on Twitter at @tammy or email her at tammymgordon@gmail.com to request a consultation.